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Gute Nachrichten für alle Dragon Age II Spieler, bald wird der Patch 1.03 erscheinen der 200 kleinere und größere Änderungen vornehmen wird:

Zitat Good news - we've just completed work on our second major patch (Patch 1.03 on PC & Mac, Title Update 1.02 on PS3 and X360). At almost 200 fixes, this one is roughly twice as large as our previous and should address the bulk of the major issues that are still being reported.

Zitat As always, the certification process takes time and we can't promise specific release dates until we receive the final word from Microsoft, Sony, and the EA Cert team. Release dates will vary by platform and we'll work with our various partners to make them available on a case by case basis as soon as they're ready.

Dank geht an Flyin Daggers für das Aufspüren der News.

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